Understanding the creation of stone for those of us who aren’t scientist…
How does mother earth do it !? Giving constant love and nurture to our beautiful earth and still manages to amaze us with other elements like the creation of natural stone…well for one she took her sweet time. Stone was formed over thousands of years ago through the natural building and morphing of natural liquid and gas minerals. These minerals cooled, compressed and were pressured into what we know as the earth’s core. Then…with the combination of heat pressure from within the earth and an obscene amount of time, solid forms of crystals developed. Once the crust expanded and eroded these hidden crystal’s made their way through to the surface, creating colossal rock mountains. [This is as simply put as it can get] These mountains are where stone’s have been quarried from for the past hundred’s of years, giving us the stunning material we use for creating art, building, and decorating. And to think it only took mother earth one-hundred million years (that is one dedicated mama). Wether it was her intention or it happened coincidentally we don’t care, we are forever grateful.